Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Baked Mini-Frittatas

This morning's breakfast idea came from this picture I remembered seeing on Pinterest a few weeks ago.  I didn't make that exact recipe this morning (I will sometime soon), but it was the thing that spurred me to think about how else I could bake eggs in the oven.  I am sure there is a recipe for this somewhere, but I was feeling too lazy to look anything up this morning, so this is what I came up with:

Scrambled up some eggs and added some scallions, chopped fresh spinach and a pinch of salt.  I decided to use the mini-muffin tins because my boys love anything mini.

Baked them at  400° for about 15 minutes, or until fork inserted comes back out clean. Obviously, I overfilled the muffin tin so they're a little too fluffy (lesson learned for next time).

They tasted good and went well with the rest of our breakfast, potatoes o'brien and breakfast sausage (the red on the frittata is ketchup, my youngest son loves ketchup on his eggs).

* I made extra so I could have some to toss in the freezer for mornings when I need something quick.
* Don't forget to spray the muffin tins with non-stick spray!
* Next time I'll add some crumbled bacon to the mix, sadly we ate the last of our bacon yesterday!

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